Te is szeretnél fenntartható menstruációs termékeket használni?
Töltsd le kiadványunkat:

Ha már tudod, milyen előnyei vannak, akkor itt tudsz hazai fentartható menstruációs terméket vásárolni.
For the English version of the Sustainable Periods brochure, please click here.
Tarts workshopot a fenntartható menstruációról!
Kattints a segédanyagért:

For the English version of the Sustainable Periods workshop material, please click here.
Velünk kampányolnál a fenntartható menstruációért?
Kérd social mediában használható kampánycsomagunkat ingyen:

SuPer – Sustainable Periods project
Because of environmental, economic, and healthcare advantages, it would be important that women, especially young women from the V4 countries and Ukraine choose reusable menstrual products. Current regulations and disruption in the supply chain led women to opt out of disposable menstrual items. Our project, SuPer would break taboos and introduce sustainable solutions for menstruation.
Due to SuPer broad educational material will be prepared on menstrual products (advantages of reusable products, risks of disposable ones) to be used as a resource for teachers and specialists working with youth. The teaching material would be presented in a workshop in each country to help the further instructors educate youth (ages 12-25). With our partners, we would involve presenters from student organizations to give seminars to introduce girls to the possibilities and positive effects of alternative menstrual products. A general informational material will be prepared for the public on the advantages of sustainable menstrual products and the risks of disposable solutions, and where to buy products produced and distributed in the V4 countries. The materials will be promoted through an awareness-raising social media campaign, which also aims to break taboos.
Project leader: Zöldövezet Társulás Egyesület- Greenzone Association
Supported by Visegrad Fund, further information: https://www.visegradfund.org/
Implementation Period: 01/02/2023–31/07/2024
• Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zero Waste, Polish Zero Waste Association
• Tandem, n.o.
• Bezobalu z.ú., Zerowasters - Unpackaged
• ГО “Нуль відходів Львів”, NGO Zero Waste Lviv