...One of the solutions is ahead of us, we present the recyclable plastic glass with a deposit!
As a Pavlovian reflex, this series of movements has become part of our our routine. This attitude, the spectacular aftermath of heaps of rubbish is well visible in festivals and village days or feasts and shows. The used and thrown away plastic glasses constitute a considerable proportion of the "event-residual". Their recycling capacity tends towards the minimal, so future turns attention to the past: spotlight on prevention!
A recyclable system is more ecological even under the least favourable conditions, than any "throw away" option.
GREen glasses system is the latest environment protection programme of GreenZone Partnership; supported with deployed selective waste collectors, return campaigns and voluntary work; an environment friendly alternative, a suitable substitute of disposable plastic glasses used at festivals, permanent and temporary events, club nights or even offices.
What kind of glass is it?
The glass is made of durable plastic - polypropylene - with thick sidewalls, so its lifecycle is extended to about 100 washes. We offer beer jugs, normal glasses and wine glasses.
Who washes it and where?
Washing is done in a special centre where the ZöldÖvezet GreenZone Partnership washes and disinfects every recyclable glass collected at the specific event.
Why is it environment friendly?
Glasses may add up even 60-70% of waste collected after events. By introducing washable plastic glasses the amount of waste may be decreased by the stated percentage, and as a result the time dedicated to or spent with cleaning also decreases, and a lot less waste is to be transported.
Doesn't washing pollute the environment?
Environmental load of washing is far less than the manufacturing of a new glass or its disposal in a waste facility.
Why is it economical?
The cost of water used in washing is pennies as compared to the price of manufacturing a disposable plastic glass, however, less waste means less transport and process cost, not to mention the fact that as a result, the extra costs of a gREen glass can be deducted on the other side of the balance sheet. The system is a clever financial re-grouping, which means substantial difference in terms of the quantity and quality of the waste, furthermore gREen glasses are much more aesthetic than their environmentally toxic predecessors.
How much waste does a recyclable plastic glass substitute?
During its lifecycle 1 gREen glass substitutes a big sack of disposable glasses.