Social responsibility taken by applying the gREen glasses scheme is priceless.
How does it work?
1. GreenZone Partnership presents the requested amount of glasses to the organisers of the event.
2. Catering units start using the glasses: customers pay HUF 200 deposit after the glasses.
3. Upon finishing the drink, the glass is returned to the catering unit. Customers may ask for another drink, which they get in a clean glass, without having to pay the deposit again, or may ask back the deposit.
4. Once the event is over GreenZone Partnership collects the glasses and take them away for washing. The organiser of the event pays the deposit to GreenZone Partnership after the missing glasses.
ECONOMY (the chart is available in jpeg format)
Call for your personalized quote based on weekly glass use in a daily breakdown!
In case of big scale events even 50000 used gREen glasses can be cleaned with special on site washing. Should the consumption be less, we suggest cleaning managed by the local GreenZone partnership. We have experienced that the visitors prefer gREen glasses because on the one hand their use is more convenient, while on the other hand they can be taken home as a gift - the latter habit has become quite popular, since many people started to collect our glasses marked with different slogans and patterns.
A key element of the gREen glasses philosophy is to continuously inform guests on the operation of the deposit system. The key to success is absoluteness, that is gREen glasses system is not offered as an option but as the one and only option.
GREen glass presence in 2010 with the aid of GreenZone Partnership
• Városi majális (City Festival)
• ZARE – Antirasszista világnap/Gödör klub (World Anti-racist Day/Gödör club)
• Stargarden festival
• Balaton Sound
• Hegyalja Music Festival
• Reggae Camp
• Művészetek Völgye (Valley of Arts)
• Bánkitó Festival
• ConCordia Internatioanl Scout Jamboree
• SZIN - Szegedi Ifjúsági Napok (Szeged Youth Days)
• Triatlon World Cup
• Fenntarthatósági Nap (Sustainability Day)
• BNV - Budapesti Nemzetközi Vásár (Budapest International Fair)
• Faludy 100 festival/Gödör club
• Kertész utcai Utcabál (Street Jamboree)
• Eric Sumo concert/Gödör club
• ELTE Tanítóképző Főiskola bankett (Teacher Training College Dinner)
• FöldKelte Találkozó/Tűzraktér (EarthRising Festival)
• Nulla Hulladék hét záróesemény/Corvintető (Zero Waste Week Closing Ceremony)
Anita Kiss / Climate ambassador of the British Council
The most important task of a dedicated environmental professional is to show people that they have the power and are able to make changes. gREen glass somehow symbolizes this way of life. By simply refilling our glasses we have reduced the amount of generated waste, which does not have to be stored or burnt, therefore we can avoid unnecessary greenhouse gas emission.
Béla Bukovinszky / Hegyalja Music Festival, organiser
Hungarian organisers first met ReGlasses in Western, mainly German festivals about ten years ago; we (Hegyalja organisers) launched a plan for the Hungarian adaptation in 2006, but due to the high costs - mainly as the consequence of the lack of tenders and the objection of big waste generation festival sponsors, beer and soft drink producers - the initiative was a failure. Fortunately attitudes changed by 2008: tenders offered financial support for the implementation and we could persuade one of the main sponsors, Borsodi Sörgyár, of the benefits of the system.
Réka Cseresnyés / Triatlon World Cup, Green Triatlon project-manager
Triatlon World Cup in Budapest launched several environment conscious programmes through its Green Triatlon project. The objective of the programme was to reduce pollution and waste throughout the event along with the strong presence of recycling. The organisers, in cooperation with their Hungarian and international partners, applied environment friendly solutions, like supporting and incenting public transport, selective waste management, gREen glass system and the Green Island expo promoting environment conscious partners and programmes.